Collection: Mineral Specimens

The Beauty Of Mineral Specimens
A valuable piece of specimen must be intact, with no damage, no scratches, and no contact surfaces. It can be said that complete mineral specimens are beautiful. Because of the limitations of underground mining conditions, complete specimens are already the best of all discovered mineral specimens. For those of us who collect mineral specimens, mineral specimens can be understood as: one is natural; the other is beautiful. Mineral specimens must be naturally occurring, homogeneous solids with a specific (but not fixed) chemical composition and internal crystalline structure, formed by the crystallization of minerals over tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of years in the environment of geological activity. become. Beauty is the overall criterion for evaluating a good mineral specimen. When you see a specimen, if you have a "wow" feeling, you are definitely seeing a good specimen. "Wow" is a combination of all of the above criteria, and is your intuitive assessment of a beautiful specimen.
Mineral Specimens